Energy Healing for Knee Pain2024-02-19T11:54:51+00:00

Knee pain may be caused directly by arthritis, a recent injury, or fibromyalgia, among other medical conditions. However, the root cause of your knee pain may be deeper. Life-giving energy surrounds and penetrates our bodies. Imbalances and blockages caused by suppressed emotions impede the natural ability of our bodies to heal themselves. Through my divinely-guided ability to heal, I can speed up your healing process by energetically releasing you from these unresolved emotions that hold you back.

The knee joint serves as a crucial hinge connecting the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia) while being supported by four main ligaments:

  1. Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
  2. Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
  3. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
  4. Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

Injuries to any of these ligaments can result in knee pain, affecting mobility and stability. 

Additionally, the knee contains two rings of cartilage known as the medial and lateral meniscus, which function as shock absorbers. These cartilages are attached to the shin bone (tibia) and play a vital role in cushioning and protecting the knee joint from impact and stress.

Over time, the protective cartilage may gradually wear away, leading to a condition known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent cause of knee pain and is characterized by pain and swelling in the knee joint. This degenerative condition can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and range of motion. However, deep-seated repressed emotions can also affect knee pain therapy.

Knee pain can manifest in various ways and for different reasons. It can appear suddenly without any apparent cause or develop gradually due to repeated trauma. The pain can be localized in different areas of the knee, each associated with specific conditions. Here’s an overview of the types of knee pain and their respective locations:

  1. Anterior Knee Pain: Also known as patellofemoral or kneecap pain, this condition is characterized by discomfort around the front of the knee, specifically the kneecap (patella). Misalignment of the kneecap is often the cause of this type of knee pain. It is frequently observed in younger females, including athletes, and is often linked to repetitive movements or overuse. Activities like climbing (or alighting) stairs, walking uphill, or squatting can trigger pain in the anterior knee region.
  2. Lateral Knee Pain: This type of pain occurs on the outside of the knee and is typically an overuse injury commonly experienced by runners. It develops when the iliotibial band, a tendon, becomes irritated. Pain is often felt during activities like climbing stairs, walking, or running.
  3. Medial Knee Pain: Medial knee pain is felt along the inside of the knee. It results from irritation of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) due to direct injury or overuse. Pain may be experienced when squatting, walking up or down a hill or ramp, or descending stairs.
  4. Pain Caused by Ligament Tear: This type of knee pain can occur due to a direct blow to the knee or twisting/pivoting the knee while the foot is planted on the ground. The pain is immediate, and swelling is common. The knee may feel unstable and give out when attempting to put weight on the leg.

Pain Caused by Osteoarthritis (OA): Osteoarthritis-related knee pain can occur anywhere in the knee where cartilage has deteriorated. It typically starts as mild discomfort and progressively worsens over time. Activities like bending and straightening the knee, climbing stairs, squatting, or sitting in a chair may become challenging due to the pain. Swelling in the knee may come and go with increased activity, and walking long distances can become increasingly difficult.

What Can I Expect During an Energy Healing Session?

Our session will start with thirty minutes of discussion to explore your issues, what ails you, and a brief background. I offer this time free of charge.

After our exploratory discussion, we will commence with our energy healing session to address your knee pain while you lay face up on my massage table. My hands and breath are then divinely-guided  to raise low frequencies in your body to a high vibration to restore proper balance.

My healing gift encompasses all of the following modalities:

Somatic Energy Healing

Your knee pain may originate from sources deeper than your apparent injury. By restoring the balance of your body’s energy pathways and fields, somatic energy healing addresses the emotional root of your knee pain. 

Energy Based Healing

Most physical ailments are a manifestation of suppressed emotions. For example, a lack of trust can cause knee pain. Though physical afflictions, such as knee pain, have direct causes, having balanced and free-flowing energy within your body can help it heal quickly. My divinely-guided hands locate and release the emotional blockages that caused your pain to surface.

Jin Shin Release

Jin Shin release involves the application of touch on specific points on the body in a particular sequence, as a form of non-verbal communication with your body’s communication system. Your blockages let go and release from being acknowledged, and then balance is restored.

Chakra Release

Using breathing techniques and positioning my hand in specific positions, we can achieve an ideal balance in your energy system to help facilitate your body’s natural ability to heal. Chakra release also addresses emotional and mental ailments along with your knee pain.

Physical Therapy for Knee Pain and Somatic Healing Therapy 

Can I combine physical therapy for knee pain with somatic healing?

Integrating these two approaches can provide a holistic and comprehensive solution, targeting both the physical and emotional aspects of pain to promote long-lasting relief and improved mobility. Let’s explore how somatic healing and physical therapy can work together to empower your journey to knee pain relief.

Understanding Somatic Healing:

Somatic healing is a mind-body approach that focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension stored in the body. It recognizes that knee pain can often be influenced by emotional stress and trauma, which manifest as tightness and discomfort in the muscles around the knee joint. Through gentle, body-centered techniques, somatic healing helps individuals identify and release these patterns of tension, promoting relaxation, and restoring balance to the body.

The Role of Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy, on the other hand, is a science-based discipline that targets the musculoskeletal system to improve movement and function. The types of knee injuries they target are anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear, osteoarthritis, Blount’s disease, discoid meniscus, hamstring injuries, Iliobiatal band syndrome (ITBS), knee bursitis, lateral collateral ligament (LSL) injury, lower extremity stress fractures, medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury, patellar instability, and others. 

A skilled physical therapist affiliated with the American Physical Therapy Association can assess your knee pain, identify underlying causes, and design a personalized treatment plan to address muscle imbalances, joint mobility, and strength deficits. Physical therapy aims to restore proper biomechanics, reduce inflammation, and increase stability, allowing your knee to heal and function optimally. They will provide you with a personalized rehabilitation program to address your condition. The general treatment techniques involved in knee pain physical therapy include patient education, pain management, range-of-motion exercise, manual therapy, muscle strengthening, functional training, recommending braces and other assistive devices, and referring you to an orthopedic doctor who specializes in knee injuries and conditions. They may also recommend diagnostic imaging, such as an X-ray or an MRI.

During your physical therapy assessment, your therapist will test for:

  1. Limited knee range of motion.
  2. Knee pain with specific movements.
  3. Weakness in hip, knee, or ankle muscles.
  4. Limited flexibility in the hip, knee, or ankle.
  5. Difficulty walking or performing activities like rising from a chair or climbing stairs.
  6. Problems with balance, coordination, and knee control.
  7. Sports-specific issues for athletes.

These tests help your therapist identify the root causes of knee problems and tailor a personalized treatment plan to improve mobility and function.

The Synergy of Somatic Healing and Physical Therapy:

By combining somatic healing and physical therapy, you tap into a powerful synergy that addresses knee pain from both its physical and emotional dimensions. Here’s how these two modalities work in harmony:

  1. Pain Release and Relaxation: Somatic healing releases non-injury-related causes of knee pain. Somatic healing also prepares your body for the physical therapy sessions, allowing for more effective and less painful therapeutic interventions.
  2. Mind-Body Connection: Somatic healing encourages a deeper connection between your mind and body, fostering awareness of emotional factors that may contribute to knee pain. This heightened awareness can enhance the results of physical therapy by addressing any psychosomatic elements of pain.
  3. Improved Movement Patterns: Physical therapy addresses biomechanical issues, muscle imbalances, and compensatory movements that may aggravate knee pain. Combined with somatic healing, this approach helps you relearn healthier movement patterns, reducing stress on the knee joint.
  4. Stress Reduction: Knee pain can be exacerbated by stress and tension. Somatic healing techniques can help you manage stress more effectively, complementing the physical therapy process and promoting overall well-being.
  5. Empowerment and Self-Care: The combination of somatic healing and physical therapy empowers you to take an active role in your healing journey. You’ll learn self-care techniques to maintain progress, prevent future injuries, and manage any emotional factors contributing to knee pain.

I Am Available to Share My Gift of Healing To Help You Gain Relief From Knee Pain

Somatic Energy Healing in Los Angeles

My gifted ability to transform physical pain opened up after embodying self-love. After first healing myself, I hold the balance to help people find relief from emotional blockages and imbalances of energy that affect their lives. Traumatic experiences and suppressed emotions lead to severe energy imbalances that can affect the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of anyone. Through my divinely-guided hands, I can release people from whatever is holding them back. 

To learn more about gaining relief from knee pain, text me at (310) 909-9336 to schedule a time for a free 15-minute discovery call.

Call Me

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you know how to treat burning knee pain?2023-10-30T16:24:26+00:00

Burning knee pain can be challenging, but I believe in the body’s innate ability to heal when we address the underlying energy imbalances. Here are some somatic energy healing approaches to alleviate burning knee pain:

  • Connect with Your Body: Begin by sitting or lying down in a quiet, comfortable space. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Tune into the sensations in your knee area. Imagine a warm, healing light surrounding your knee, bringing comfort and relief.
  • Release Energetic Blockages: Often, burning pain can be a sign of blocked energy in the body. Visualize the energy flowing freely through your knees, removing any blockages or stagnant energy. Envision the pain dissipating as the energy moves unobstructed.
  • Self-Healing Touch: Place your hands gently over your knees, allowing the warmth and intention of your touch to promote healing. Imagine healing energy flowing from your palms into your knees, soothing the burning sensation.
  • Emotional Release: Burning knee pain can sometimes be linked to unresolved emotions. Take a moment to reflect on any emotions or experiences that might be causing tension in your knees. Allow yourself to feel and release these emotions, inviting a sense of emotional and physical relief.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Acknowledge the connection between your mind and body. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and promote overall well-being. A calm mind can facilitate the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Seek Professional Somatic Energy Healing: I can work with you to identify and clear specific energy imbalances related to your knee pain. Through gentle touch, energy work, and my healing touch, I can help restore balance and alleviate the burning sensation.

Remember, the body speaks to us through sensations, and by listening to and addressing these signals, we can support the body’s healing journey. Trust in the body’s wisdom and its ability to heal with the right energy, alignment, and intention.


What causes knee pain?2023-10-30T16:23:39+00:00

Injury-Related Knee Pain:

Knee problems can stem from the natural aging process and persistent wear and tear on the knee joint, often resulting in conditions like arthritis. Additionally, injuries or sudden movements can strain the knee, leading to various issues, including:

  • Sprained or Strained Knee Ligaments and Muscles: These injuries typically occur due to a blow or sudden twist of the knee. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
  • Torn Cartilage: Trauma to the knee can tear the menisci, which act as shock absorbers and enhance stability. Cartilage tears often accompany sprains. Treatment may involve wearing a brace to protect the knee or, in severe cases, surgical repair.
  • Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee): Inflammation of tendons can result from overuse during activities like running or jumping. Jumper’s knee, a type of tendonitis in the patellar tendon, often occurs in sports such as basketball, where the impact of landing strains the tendon.
  • Arthritis: The most common type of pain affecting the knee comes from osteoarthritis, a degenerative condition where joint cartilage gradually wears away. It primarily affects middle-aged and older individuals and can be caused by repeated injuries or excess weight. Rheumatoid arthritis, another form, causes inflammation and cartilage destruction, often occurring at an earlier age than osteoarthritis.


Non-Injury Related Knee Pain:

The relationship between repressed emotions, trauma, and physical symptoms, including knee pain, is a topic of interest in various fields, including psychology and alternative medicine. Emotional stress and unresolved trauma might contribute to physical discomfort, including non-injury-related pain in the knees. Here’s how this connection is often explained:

  • Psychosomatic Connection: Psychosomatic disorders are physical symptoms caused or exacerbated by emotional factors. Chronic emotional stress can lead to physiological changes in the body, potentially triggering or intensifying physical pain, including knee pain.
  • Muscle Tension and Body Posture: Repressed emotions and stress can lead to muscle tension and changes in body posture. Chronic muscle tension, especially in the lower body, can affect the knees and surrounding areas, leading to discomfort or pain.
  • Central Sensitization: Prolonged emotional stress and trauma might sensitize the central nervous system, amplifying pain perception. This hypersensitivity can cause individuals to experience pain more intensely, even without direct physical injury.
  • Mind-Body Connection: The mind and body are interconnected, and emotional well-being can impact physical health. Emotional distress can influence the release of certain chemicals in the brain and body, affecting pain perception and sensitivity.
How can I get rid of knee pain fast?2023-10-30T16:21:12+00:00

Somatic energy healing techniques focus on the body’s natural energy flow to promote healing. Here are some ways to address knee pain swiftly using somatic energy healing methods, especially for non-injury related knee pain:

  • Mindful Breathing and Relaxation:

Practice mindful breathing in a peaceful environment. Inhale positive energy, exhale tension and pain. This relaxation technique calms the mind and promotes natural healing.

  • Energy Visualization and Balancing:

Visualize a warm light enveloping your knees, dissolving any energy blockages. This visualization promotes energy flow, aiding the healing process.

  • Gentle Movement and Stretching:

Engage in gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi. Slow, deliberate movements enhance flexibility and strengthen knee muscles, allowing energy to flow freely.

  • Self-Healing Touch:

Place your hands over your knees, imagining healing energy flowing from your palms. Trust in the power of touch and intention to alleviate discomfort.

  • Energy Clearing and Release:

Acknowledge and release stored emotions related to your knees. Breathe out fear, stress, or insecurity. Emotional release often translates to physical relief.

  • Text Me and Book a Session

You may also book personalized sessions to address your knee pain. I can identify and clear energy blockages, offering specific solutions for rapid pain relief.


How many sessions will it take to heal my knee?2023-10-30T16:19:20+00:00

In most cases, any body pain rooted in suppressed emotions will be healed in 2 sessions. Your first session will address your emotional body, and your second session can heal your physical body.


How many sessions will it take to heal my painful knee?2023-05-25T16:14:52+00:00

In most cases, any pain in the body that is rooted in suppressed emotions, will be healed in 2 sessions. Your first session will address your emotional body, and your second session can then heal your physical body.

Can you help me find relief from knee pain?2023-05-25T16:12:59+00:00

The body has an astounding ability to heal itself. Releasing blocked and suppressed energy within and around your body can help heal pain. Through more than a decade of helping people find relief from physical pain, I have healed many people from knee pain.

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