In somatic therapy and somatic experiencing for couples, a healer or a therapist guides individuals through emotionally charged experiences. The journey often involves addressing painful psychological and physical wounds, fostering a space for coping with distress and navigating through past adversities such as traumatic events. These adversities, when unaddressed, can lead to missed developmental experiences, impacting emotional well-being and self-esteem. Though a therapist works to help couples cope with these challenges, employing techniques from various therapies, including psychotherapy and counseling, I can also heal enduring wounds to help couples address their relationship issues.
Understanding the Emotional Landscape:
Therapists specializing in somatic energy healing recognize the profound impact of early traumas on individuals and couples alike. Adversities faced during upbringing can lead to missed developmental experiences, leaving emotional wounds that may manifest as distress, interpersonal challenges, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The therapeutic process involves delving into these imprints, exploring suppressed emotions, and addressing the stressful dynamics that may hinder a couple’s well-being.
So, How Does Somatic Energy Healing Work?
In Los Angeles, where the pace of life can be demanding and stressful, couples often find solace in somatic energy healing. This form of therapy goes beyond traditional counseling by incorporating the physical dimension into the healing process. It recognizes that the body stores unresolved trauma and utilizes various somatic therapies, such as somatic experiencing, to release tension and facilitate emotional healing. This approach is particularly effective for couples dealing with abusive relationships or coping with the aftermath of painful experiences.
The initial steps involve slowing down the pace of conversation, seeking clarity, and encouraging both partners to engage in mutual reflection when sharing their vulnerabilities. This deliberate approach paves the way for couples to experience respect, emotional nurturing, and a sense of safety within the confines of their relationship. It simultaneously fosters greater understanding and a deeper emotional connection. Recognizing reactivity within a couple can often be indicative of underlying complex trauma.
The challenges arising from traumatic stress often hinder couples from obtaining the support they desperately need. Relationship difficulties frequently stem from emotional triggers rooted in past tumultuous experiences. These triggers can swiftly escalate stress levels during seemingly innocuous disagreements if left unaddressed. This dynamic can be immensely perplexing for both partners, which is precisely where the potency of somatic couples therapy for trauma comes into play.
It’s quite common for both individuals in a partnership to bear unresolved emotional pain. This can serve as a volatile concoction, giving rise to potential outcomes like divorce, emotional or physical abuse, and infidelity. Even in couples characterized by long-standing friendship, strong sexual chemistry, and deep love, the specter of trauma can cast a shadow. Therefore, it becomes essential to integrate the somatic dimension into therapy.
Somatic energy healing in Los Angeles can be particularly effective for couples because it also addresses the mental and emotional aspects of your relationship by releasing the triggers that cause you to react. By working with your body’s energy, you can release stored tension and trauma that may be impacting your relationship and open up to a deeper level of connection with your partner. Here is how somatic energy work for couples:
Key Elements of Somatic Energy Healing for Couples:
- Physical Sensations: Somatic energy work encourages couples to attune to the subtle physical sensations within their bodies. When couples are attuned to their own and their partner’s somatic energy, they become more aware of subtle physical sensations and cues. This heightened awareness can deepen their understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and boundaries.
- Non-Verbal Communication: Somatic energy communicates non-verbally between partners, manifesting through body language, touch, eye contact, and other physical expressions. Couples who pay attention to these subtle cues can establish a deeper connection and intimacy, as they can pick up on their partner’s unspoken emotions and desires.
- Emotional Resonance: Somatic energy is closely tied to emotions. Couples in tune with their somatic energy can recognize and attune to each other’s emotional states. This heightened sensitivity allows partners to respond empathetically, offer support, and create a safe space for emotional expression and vulnerability.
- Enhancing Intimacy: By cultivating awareness of their own and their partner’s somatic energy, couples can engage in more mindful and present interactions. This heightened presence can deepen their connection, increase mutual trust, and foster a sense of intimacy and closeness.
- Healing and Release: Somatic energy work can also help couples address past traumas, emotional blockages, and unresolved tensions that may be stored in the body. By exploring and releasing somatic energy through practices like bodywork, movement, or breathwork, couples can create space for healing, growth, and transformation within their relationship.
- Sexual Connection: Somatic energy is closely intertwined with sexual energy. By cultivating awareness and understanding of their own and their partner’s somatic energy, couples can enhance their sexual experiences. This heightened awareness allows for greater pleasure, exploration, and intimacy in physical intimacy.
What Can We Expect During a Couples Energy Healing Session in Los Angeles?

In Los Angeles, where the fast-paced lifestyle can strain relationships, couples’ energy healing sessions provide a unique approach. Since I don’t use talk therapy, these sessions, conducted separately to allow individual exploration, focus on balancing the emotional body. Couples can rediscover the love that initially brought them together by releasing blocks to intimacy and connection.
Whether facing communication issues, trust issues, or a general sense of disconnection, somatic energy healing offers a path for couples to reconnect on a profound level, fostering a renewed sense of love and connection. Through the art of somatic therapy, couples in Los Angeles can embark on a journey toward emotional well-being, leaving behind the shadows of past traumas and embracing a harmonious future together.
Let Marilyn Frazier Help You Heal Together

I possess the gift of healing others because of the 28 years of inner work I did to heal myself, including embodying unconditional love. Let me share my gift of healing with you, I will mend the suppressed negative emotions from your past that are affecting your relationship. I will help you break free from the root causes of your relationship discord, so you can enjoy your lives together.
Whether you are suffering from issues with your relationship together, or are suffering from emotional and physical pain, I can help you address these and help you through the healing process. To learn more about how somatic energy healing can help you as a couple, text me at (310) 903-9336. I offer a 15-minute exploratory call for free.
Yes. Many satisfied clients in Los Angeles have reached me by searching the term “somatic healing near me.” To learn more about how I can provide somatic healing for couples, you can also reach out directly by texting me at (310) 903-9336.
While somatic energy healing can be effective for many couples, it may be especially beneficial for those struggling with deep emotional or energetic blockages affecting their ability to connect and communicate effectively. It may also be helpful for couples who have experienced trauma or other significant challenges from the past that are now affecting your current relationship.
Somatic energy healing can help with relationship issues by addressing underlying emotional and energetic patterns that may contribute to relationship problems. Couples can improve communication, increase intimacy, and foster a more profound sense of trust and understanding by releasing these blockages and promoting a greater sense of connection and openness.
Somatic energy healing is a therapy that focuses on the body’s energy field, or “soma,” to promote healing and balance. In couples therapy, it can help couples connect on a deeper level by releasing blockages and negative emotions in the body, improving communication, intimacy, and overall relationship satisfaction.