Somatic Energy Healing Services in Los Angeles

I free individuals burdened by physical pain, alcohol addiction, emotional trauma, and anxiety. Utilizing my distinctive healing abilities, I work energetically to locate and release the root causes of your suffering. I quickly assist you with breaking free from unresolved emotions and traumatic experiences that hinder your progress, cause pain, and suffering. Together, you’ll overcome old, limiting habits and patterns. I employ a unique somatic energy healing technique, anxiety therapy, and natural healing methods to support your journey toward peace and forward momentum.

I offer a complimentary 15-30-minute life coaching session in Los Angeles before our emotional release session. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Emotional Healing

The human body’s free flowing energy fields are crucial for emotional and physical well-being. Energetic obstructions caused by deep-seated stored unresolved emotions cause psychological issues that lead to distress, negative beliefs, and harmful habits. Using my natural healing abilities, I remove these energy blockages, restore balance and free you from what holds you back.

Somatic Emotional Healing

$200 / hr.

I use divine guidance to pinpoint and release unresolved emotional trauma stored within your body and chakras. By elevating your emotional blockages to a higher vibration, I liberate you from their hold on you.

Anxiety Remedy

$200 / hr.

I transform negative emotions within your subconscious by addressing the root causes of anxiety. By raising these emotions to a higher frequency, you regain control of fear-based emotions, empowering you with positivity.

Trauma Healing

$200 / hr.

I bring the energy behind your buried traumas to the surface of your consciousness, which allows for acknowledgment and freedom. Releasing the emotions associated with these experiences enables you to embrace your true self, fulfill your potential, and stop reacting. Your triggers will no longer exist.

Physical Healing

Physical Healing in Los Angeles

Energy fields envelop the human body. Unresolved negative emotions disrupt these fields, causing distress and physical imbalances. With my unique healing touch, I restore balance, releasing energy blockages and freeing you from emotional and physical pain.

Pain Due to Fibromyalgia

$200 / hr.

Fibromyalgia’s agony traps sufferers in a cycle of pain and negative thoughts. I can liberate you from this torment by addressing unresolved anger.

Knee Pain

$200 / hr.

Whether from injuries, arthritis, or deeper causes, knee pain can be debilitating. With divine guidance, I accelerate healing and provide relief to your knees.

Low Back Pain

$200 / hr.

Debilitating back pain can disrupt daily life. I help uncover and heal the underlying source, restoring your body’s control.

Foot Pain

$200 / hr.

Inner disharmony or mental tension can cause foot pain. Energy healing restores balance, allowing you to resume daily activities unhindered.

Neck Pain

$200 / hr.

Emotional distress like grief can cause neck pain. I address the emotional roots, causing relief and restored well-being.

Hip Pain

$200 / hr.

Hip pain, often linked to suppressed emotions, can worsen if ignored. My healing touch releases negative energy, freeing you from pain and preventing future issues.