Emotional Healing2024-02-19T11:48:35+00:00

The energy fields surrounding and penetrating the human body are essential to keeping ourselves emotionally and physically healthy. Blockages and disruptions of these energy fields, caused by emotions such as deep-seated guilt, grief, traumas, sadness, and severe psychological problems, such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), can lead to distress. Suppressed and repressed negative emotions lead to these blockages, whether from a traumatic experience or an unpleasant event. These blockages and disruptions become the root of our negative beliefs and triggers, which lead us to form harmful habits, affect all of our relationships, and manifest as emotional and mental issues, such as being overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. Let my divinely-guided hands and unique natural healing abilities remove these energy blockages and restore balance, to ultimately free you from what is holding you back.

My sessions start with 15-30 minutes of free life coaching to discuss your current issues. Because our energy session is divinely guided, you will be released from the root causes of your issues, regardless of whether or not we have a discussion beforehand. Our conversation is for your benefit. It doesn’t affect how I’m guided to heal you while you lie on my table. You will be freed from whatever you are ready to let go of.

Emotional Ailments That Energy Healing Can Address

Los Angeles Emotional Healing


Anxiety can impact anyone severely in several ways. Aside from affecting mental health, anxiety can also affect our daily lives, especially our relationships. Long-term anxiety will also affect our physical health through digestive issues, high blood pressure, headaches, and heart disease.


Trauma can significantly negatively impact a person’s mental and physical health, daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. It is essential to heal our trauma at the root cause so that we can grow into our fullest potential and ensure it doesn’t lead to more severe issues.


 Stress can severely impact a person’s emotional and physical health, relationships, and overall well-being, which can also affect a person’s daily life and behavior. A person may resort to harmful coping mechanisms if stress and its root causes are not healed.

Substance Dependency

Substance dependency is a harmful way people cope with emotional issues. Releasing the deep-rooted emotional pain that people are trying to avoid can lead to a person freeing themselves from harmful dependencies. Unhealthy habits, such as cigarette smoking and alcohol dependency, may have physical root causes.

Relationships With Other People

Stress, anxiety, and trauma affect our everyday behavior and relationships with others, such as loved ones, co-workers, and friends. Our trauma will cause us to get negatively triggered by people and misinterpret their intentions, thus causing disharmony and avoidance. It causes us to relive our negative emotions from the past and project our past trauma onto the people in our lives now. We may also falsely accuse people of treating us the negative way we were treated in the past because of a victim mentality, which prevents us from developing healthy interpersonal relationships with anyone.

Various Therapies Used in Emotional Healing

Los Angeles Emotional Healing

Somatic Emotional Healing

As a somatic energy healer, my hands are divinely guided to locate where you have subconsciously stored your unresolved emotional trauma, in your body, in its relative chakra and points of consciousness.
I calibrate your emotional blockages to a higher vibration, which frees you of their hold on you.

Anxiety Remedy

I address the root causes of your anxiety by transmuting the negative emotional imbalances in your subconscious inside the body. Like an alchemist, I calibrate negative emotions to a higher vibration, which allows you to access positive emotions. Your fear-based emotions will no longer control you.

Trauma Healing

I will bring all the trauma and traumatic experiences you are ready to let go of to the surface of your consciousness, so you can give it the acknowledgment it needs, and I will help you be free from them. You will then feel like your true self, live up to your potential, and stop getting triggered.

Somatic Energy Healing in Los Angeles

I Will Help You Achieve Emotional Healing

wenty-eight years ago, two back-to-back traumatic events pushed me to start introspecting for the first time. About ten years later, my gifted ability to free people from their unresolved emotions opened up shortly after I embodied Unconditional Love. Nearly 13 years after I embodied Unconditional Love, I embodied Self-Love, which opened my gifted ability to heal people physically. Because I first healed myself, I hold the balance to assist others to heal themselves far more quickly than I did and far more quickly than they could do on their own. You will stop repeating old habits and patterns, experience the joy of the present time, have new possibilities emerge in your life, and grow into your empowered self.

To learn more about emotional healing in Los Angeles, text me at (310) 903-9336. I offer a free 15-minute discovery call to start our healing process.

Call Me

Frequently-Asked Questions

How does energy healing work?2023-11-06T13:49:41+00:00

Energy healing, rooted in the belief of the body’s energetic life force and energy centers, aims to balance, heal, and remove blockages. Various modalities like Reiki, acupuncture, and reflexology fall under energy medicine. Here are five key points:

  • Scientific Basis: Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies. Our body’s vibrations can influence our health. Misaligned energies can lead to physical ailments.
  • Heals Traumas: Physical, emotional, and psychological traumas affect our energy systems. Blockages caused by stress, toxins, or constrictions can lead to mental and physical issues.
  • Accessible to All: Energy healing is not limited to spiritual individuals. Everyone has an energetic body that requires balance. Treatments like Reiki can work remotely, transcending distance.
  • Painless and Safe: Energy healing is non-invasive and generally painless. Patients may experience emotional or physical sensations as blockages are released, indicating healing processes are at work.
  • Complements Other Therapies: Energy healing can be combined with conventional treatments. It doesn’t replace Western medicine but can support and enhance overall well-being when used in conjunction with other healing modalities.


How do I heal from emotional neglect?2023-10-23T14:41:01+00:00

Healing from emotional neglect involves acknowledging your experiences, understanding their impact, and actively taking steps to nurture yourself emotionally. Here are some strategies to support the healing process:

  •     Self-Awareness: Begin by developing self-awareness and recognizing the signs and effects of emotional neglect in your life. Reflect on your childhood experiences and how they may have influenced your emotional well-being.
  •     Validate Your Emotions: Acknowledge and validate your emotions. Understand that it is normal to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, or frustration, in response to emotional neglect. Allow yourself to feel and express these emotions in a safe and supportive environment.
  •     Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding. Offer yourself the same love and support that you would give to a friend going through a similar experience. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the healing process.
  •     Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups who can provide a listening ear and empathetic support. Consider working with a therapist specializing in emotional neglect or trauma to guide you through the healing process.
  •     Establish Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and enforce healthy boundaries in your relationships. This involves communicating your needs and expectations clearly and assertively and prioritizing your emotional well-being.
  •     Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that nurture your emotional well-being. These activities may include engaging in hobbies you enjoy, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness or meditation, getting regular exercise, and prioritizing rest and relaxation.
  •     Inner Child Work: Explore inner child healing techniques to connect with and nurture your inner child. This involves acknowledging the unmet emotional needs from childhood and providing yourself with the love, care, and validation you may have missed.
  •     Rewrite Your Narrative: Challenge negative beliefs or narratives that may have developed due to emotional neglect. Replace them with positive and empowering beliefs about your worth, deservingness, and capacity for love and connection.

Remember, healing from emotional neglect is a journey that takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself, celebrate your progress, and seek support when needed. With dedication and self-compassion, you can heal and create a healthier emotional foundation for yourself.

How can one heal emotional pain through somatic healing in Los Angeles?2023-10-23T14:40:07+00:00

Healing emotional pain through somatic healing involves working with the body to release and process stored emotions. Here are some steps to support the healing process:

  •     Body Awareness
  •     Mindfulness and Grounding
  •     Deep Breathing
  •     Body Scanning
  •     Sensory Awareness
  •     Movement and Expression
  •     Emotional Release
  •     Seeking a Somatic Energy Healer in Los Angeles

Remember that healing emotional pain is a personal journey that will take time and patience. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you explore somatic healing techniques, and allow yourself to honor and process your emotions at your own pace through my healing hands.

How long does it take to heal emotionally, and does somatic energy healing make the process faster?2023-10-23T14:39:25+00:00

Like other therapeutic approaches, somatic energy healing can be a supportive tool in the healing process. It focuses on the connection between emotions and the body, helping individuals process and release emotional pain stored in the body. By addressing the somatic or physical aspects of emotional distress, somatic energy healing can provide a holistic approach to healing.

While somatic energy healing can be beneficial, it’s important to note that Marilyn’s divinely guided approach yields profound results in every session. The healing process is multifaceted and may require additional support and time. Emotional healing involves:

  •     Integrating and processing complex emotions
  •     Grieving the loss
  •     Clearing emotional blockages so you can move forward

It’s a process that unfolds at its own pace.

Somatic energy healing can support emotional healing by promoting body awareness, providing tools for self-regulation, and facilitating the release of stored emotional energy. It can help individuals reconnect with their bodies, process emotions, and find balance and well-being.

However, it’s essential to approach emotional healing with patience and self-compassion. Healing takes time, and there’s no guaranteed timeline. Each person’s healing journey is unique, and it’s important to honor your own process, seek support when needed, and engage in practices that resonate with you personally.

If you are considering somatic energy healing or any other therapeutic modality, it can be helpful to consult an experienced somatic energy healer who can guide and support you throughout the healing process. I can assist you in navigating your emotional healing journey.

How can I heal emotionally from a miscarriage?2023-10-23T14:38:17+00:00

Experiencing a miscarriage can be emotionally challenging, and somatic energy healing can be a supportive approach to help heal and process emotions. Here are some steps to consider for using somatic energy healing in the aftermath of a miscarriage:

  •     Acknowledge and Validate Emotions: Begin by acknowledging and validating the emotions that arise from the miscarriage. Allow yourself to grieve and express your sadness, anger, confusion, or any other feelings that come up. Somatic energy healing encourages you to honor and give space to these emotions within your body.
  •     Cultivate Body Awareness: Somatic energy healing emphasizes the connection between emotions and the body. Develop body awareness through deep breathing, body scans, or mindfulness meditation. This awareness helps you tune into physical sensations and the subtle movements of energy within your body.
  •     Gentle Movement and Breathwork: Engage in gentle movement practices like yoga or tai chi to reconnect with your body and release stored tension. Incorporate conscious breathwork exercises to help regulate emotions and release stagnant energy. These practices can promote relaxation, grounding, and a sense of balance.
  •     Body-Based Self-Care Rituals: Incorporate self-care rituals that focus on nurturing your body. These rituals may include gentle massages, warm baths with essential oils, or engaging in comfort and relaxation activities. By providing care to your physical self, you support the integration of emotional healing.
  •     Somatic Therapy: Consider seeking support from a somatic healer experienced in dealing with trauma and grief. Somatic therapy can help you process and release stored emotions related to the miscarriage. Through gentle touch, vibrational movement, and non verbal communication with your subconscious located in your body, Marilyn can guide you through unresolved emotions and support your healing journey.
  •     Mind-Body Integration: Engage in practices promoting mind and body integration. This can include journaling, expressive arts, or practicing mindfulness to explore and express your emotions. Allow yourself to be fully present with your experiences, using somatic energy healing techniques to support the integration of emotional healing.
  •     Seek Support: Remember that healing after a miscarriage is a unique and personal journey. Reach out to trusted friends, family, or support groups who can provide a safe space to share your feelings and experiences. Connecting with others who have gone through similar situations can provide comfort and validation.

Honoring your own pace and process during the healing journey is essential. Somatic energy healing can be supportive too.

Can you help me through my alcohol addiction rehab?2023-10-23T14:37:40+00:00

Yes. Each person may have their unique reasons for depending on alcohol. Through my highly personalized approach to addressing the root cause of your alcohol addiction, I can free you from the negative forces that bind you to this harmful habit in as little as one session.

Can you help me with my insomnia?2023-10-23T14:35:23+00:00

Yes. Energy blockages and imbalances may cause insomnia because of anxiety, stress, and loss of direction in life. I can free you from the root causes of your anxiety, stress, and what is causing you to lose focus in life. By doing so, I can help you free yourself from insomnia.

Are physical symptoms, like gut issues, related to my emotional problems?2023-10-23T14:34:30+00:00

Anxiety, stress, and a lack of self-love often lead to gut issues, especially digestive problems. Through emotional release, I can help you address the root causes of your stress, anxiety, and/or lack of self-love, ultimately leading to healing other related physical problems, such as your gut issues.

Can you help me quit smoking?2023-10-23T14:33:39+00:00

Smoking addiction may be a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, and deeply-rooted suppressed emotions. I will free you from the negative emotions you are avoiding, which will cause you to lose your craving for this harmful substance.

Can you heal me from the effects of PTSD?2023-10-23T14:33:09+00:00

Yes. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can severely affect your emotional, physical, and overall well-being. I will free you from the root causes of trauma that cause you to feel unsafe.

How can I heal from an emotionally absent father?2023-10-23T14:42:39+00:00

Healing from the impact of an emotionally absent father can be a challenging process, but it is possible with self-reflection, self-care, and support. Here are some steps you can take to begin your healing journey:

  •     Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognize and validate the range of emotions you may have regarding your father’s emotional absence. It is normal to feel anger, sadness, confusion, or even a sense of loss. Allow yourself to experience these emotions without judgment.
  •     Understand the Impact: Reflect on how your father’s emotional absence has affected you. Consider how it has influenced your self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. Awareness of the impact can help you gain insights and start the healing process.
  •     Seek Support: Reach out to me to explore your emotions and experiences. I can help you gain a deeper understanding of the effects of emotional absence and provide guidance on your healing journey.
  •     Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you navigate the healing process. Remind yourself that you deserved and still deserve love, care, and emotional support. Practice self-care activities that promote your well-being and prioritize your needs.
  •     Establish Healthy Boundaries: Set and enforce healthy boundaries with your father and others in your life. Determine what is acceptable to you in relationships and communicate your boundaries clearly. These boundaries can help protect your emotional well-being and promote healthier dynamics.
  •     Find Positive Role Models: Seek out positive role models or mentors who can provide the emotional support and guidance you may have missed from your father. Look for individuals who embody the qualities you admire and can provide the nurturing presence you desire.
  •     Inner Child Healing: Engage in inner child healing exercises or therapy to connect with and nurture your inner child. This can involve visualization, journaling, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and tap into your childlike spirit. Give yourself the love and care you may have missed.
  •     Foster Healthy Relationships: Surround yourself with supportive and caring individuals who can provide the emotional support you deserve. Cultivate relationships with friends, partners, or chosen family members who prioritize emotional connection and can help you build healthier relationship patterns.
  •     Practice Forgiveness: Consider exploring forgiveness as a means of releasing resentment or anger towards your father. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the behavior or forgetting the past, but rather freeing yourself from the emotional burden and allowing space for healing.
  •     Define Your Own Path: Remember that you have the power to create your own path and define your identity, separate from your father’s emotional absence. Focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and building a fulfilling life based on your values and desires.

Healing from the impact of an emotionally absent father is a personal journey, and it may take time. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and seek support when needed. Though psychiatric help is also available through a specialized psychiatrist or a mental health professional, remember that you have the strength within you to heal and create a fulfilling and emotionally rich life.

How do I heal from emotional neglect?2023-07-24T15:32:03+00:00

Healing from emotional neglect involves acknowledging your experiences, understanding their impact, and actively taking steps to nurture yourself emotionally. Here are some strategies to support the healing process:

  • Self-Awareness: Begin by developing self-awareness and recognizing the signs and effects of emotional neglect in your life. Reflect on your childhood experiences and how they may have influenced your emotional well-being.
  • Validate Your Emotions: Acknowledge and validate your emotions. Understand that it is normal to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, or frustration, in response to emotional neglect. Allow yourself to feel and express these emotions in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding. Offer yourself the same love and support that you would give to a friend going through a similar experience. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the healing process.
  • Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups who can provide a listening ear and empathetic support. Consider working with a therapist who specializes in emotional neglect or trauma to guide you through the healing process.
  • Establish Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and enforce healthy boundaries in your relationships. This involves communicating your needs and expectations clearly and assertively and prioritizing your emotional well-being.
  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that nurture your emotional well-being. This may include engaging in hobbies you enjoy, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness or meditation, getting regular exercise, and prioritizing rest and relaxation.
  • Inner Child Work: Explore inner child healing techniques to connect with and nurture your inner child. This involves acknowledging the unmet emotional needs from childhood and providing yourself with the love, care, and validation you may have missed.
  • Rewrite Your Narrative: Challenge negative beliefs or narratives that may have developed as a result of emotional neglect. Replace them with positive and empowering beliefs about your worth, deservingness, and capacity for love and connection.

Remember, healing from emotional neglect is a journey that takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself, celebrate your progress, and seek support when needed. With dedication and self-compassion, you can heal and create a healthier emotional foundation for yourself.

How can one heal emotional pain through somatic healing in Los Angeles?2023-07-24T15:31:23+00:00

Healing emotional pain through somatic healing involves working with the body to release and process stored emotions. Here are some steps to support the healing process:

  • Body Awareness
  • Mindfulness and Grounding
  • Deep Breathing
  • Body Scanning
  • Sensory Awareness
  • Movement and Expression
  • Emotional Release
  • Seeking a Somatic Energy Healer in Los Angeles

Remember that healing emotional pain is a personal journey, and it may take time and patience. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you explore somatic healing techniques, and allow yourself to honor and process your emotions at your own pace through my healing hands.

How long does it take to heal emotionally, and does somatic energy healing make the process faster?2023-07-24T15:30:43+00:00

Somatic energy healing, like other therapeutic approaches, can be a supportive tool in the healing process. It focuses on the connection between emotions and the body, helping individuals process and release emotional pain stored in the body. By addressing the somatic or physical aspects of emotional distress, somatic energy healing can provide a holistic approach to healing.

While somatic energy healing can be beneficial, it’s important to note that the healing process is multifaceted and may require additional support and time. Emotional healing involves:

  • Integrating and processing complex emotions
  • Grieving the loss
  • Finding ways to move forward

It’s a gradual process that unfolds at its own pace.

Somatic energy healing can support emotional healing by promoting body awareness, providing tools for self-regulation, and facilitating the release of stored emotional energy. It can help individuals reconnect with their bodies, process emotions, and find balance and well-being.

However, it’s essential to approach emotional healing with patience and self-compassion. Healing takes time, and there is no “quick fix” or guaranteed timeline. Each person’s healing journey is unique, and it’s important to honor your own process, seek support when needed, and engage in practices that resonate with you personally.

If you are considering somatic energy healing or any other therapeutic modality. It can be helpful to consult an experienced somatic energy healer who can guide and support you throughout the healing process. Aside from helping you through your emotional healing process through my healing hands, I can provide insights, tools, and techniques tailored to your specific needs and assist you in navigating your emotional healing journey.

How can I heal emotionally from a miscarriage?2023-07-24T15:29:48+00:00

Experiencing a miscarriage can be emotionally challenging, and somatic energy healing can be a supportive approach to help heal and process emotions. Here are some steps to consider for using somatic energy healing in the aftermath of a miscarriage:

  • Acknowledge and Validate Emotions: Begin by acknowledging and validating the emotions that arise from the miscarriage. Allow yourself to grieve, and express your sadness, anger, confusion, or any other feelings that come up. Somatic energy healing encourages you to honor and give space to these emotions within your body.
  • Cultivate Body Awareness: Somatic energy healing emphasizes the connection between emotions and the body. Develop body awareness through deep breathing, body scans, or mindfulness meditation. This helps you tune into physical sensations and the subtle movements of energy within your body.
  • Gentle Movement and Breathwork: Engage in gentle movement practices like yoga or tai chi to reconnect with your body and release stored tension. Incorporate conscious breathwork exercises to help regulate emotions and release stagnant energy. These practices can promote relaxation, grounding, and a sense of balance.
  • Body-Based Self-Care Rituals: Incorporate self-care rituals that focus on nurturing your body. This may include gentle massages, warm baths with essential oils, or engaging in comfort and relaxation activities. By providing care to your physical self, you support the integration of emotional healing.
  • Somatic Therapy: Consider seeking support from a somatic healer who is experienced in dealing with trauma and grief. Somatic therapy can help you process and release stored emotions related to the miscarriage. Through gentle touch, movement, and dialogue, the therapist can guide you through unresolved emotions and support your healing journey.
  • Mind-Body Integration: Engage in practices promoting mind and body integration. This can include journaling, expressive arts, or practicing mindfulness to explore and express your emotions. Allow yourself to be fully present with your experiences, using somatic energy healing techniques to support the integration of emotional healing.
  • Seek Support: Remember that healing after a miscarriage is a unique and personal journey. Reach out to trusted friends, family, or support groups who can provide a safe space to share your feelings and experiences. Connecting with others who have gone through similar situations can provide comfort and validation.

Honoring your own pace and process during the healing journey is important. Somatic energy healing can be a supportive tool.


Can you help me through my alcohol addiction rehab?2023-05-25T13:38:21+00:00

Yes. Each person may have their unique reasons for depending on alcohol. Through my highly personalized approach to addressing the root cause of your alcohol addiction, I can free you from the negative forces that bind you to this harmful habit in as little as one session.

Are physical symptoms, like gut issues, related to my emotional problems?2023-05-25T13:26:49+00:00

Anxiety, stress, and a lack of self-love often lead to gut issues, especially digestive problems. Through emotional release, I can help you address the root causes of your stress, anxiety, and/or lack of self-love, ultimately leading to healing other related physical problems, such as your gut issues.

Can you help me quit smoking?2023-05-25T13:25:54+00:00

Smoking addiction may be a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, and deeply-rooted suppressed emotions. I will free you from the negative emotions you are avoiding, which will cause you to lose your craving for this harmful substance.

Can you heal me from the effects of PTSD?2023-05-25T13:24:21+00:00

Yes. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can severely affect your emotional, physical, and overall well-being. I will free you from the root causes of trauma that cause you to feel unsafe.

Can emotional healing therapy sessions in Los Angeles help me overcome PTSD?2023-05-15T13:19:28+00:00

Yes. Our emotional healing therapy sessions in Los Angeles also help clients overcome trauma, especially PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). As a healer and coach, I can help you overcome negative thoughts and beliefs about the traumatic event. Through emotional healing therapy conducted in a safe and controlled environment, I can help you heal from the fear associated with the traumatic memory.

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